Thursday, 28 January 2016

Healthy Eating Week

As part of our current topic of 'Our Bodies' we will be having a 'healthy eating' week for the week of the 1st February.

We would like to encourage all those children who attend our lunch club sessions to bring in really healthy lunch boxes and we will be awarding prizes for all those who have lots of healthy foods!

We hope our parents will support us with this topic and we can recommend having a look at 'Henry' a website that supports families with healthy eating and exercise for the really young

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Newsletter - January 2016

Here is our first newsletter of the new year;

Welcome back we hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Important Dates for your Diary
w/c 8th February                 -           Cake Sale Week
Friday 12th February           -          End of Term
Monday 22nd February        -           Start of Term
Wednesday 9th March         -           Inset Day – pre-school will be closed
15th, 16th & 17th March       -           Parent Evenings
Thursday 24th March          -           End of Term
Monday 11th April                -           Start of Term

Session Fees
Invoices for session fees, lunch club and snack have been issued; all invoices are issued for the term up to the 12th February and should be paid by Friday 15th January 2016.  Late payment of fees will automatically incur a £7.00 penalty fee and continuous failure to pay fees could result in the removal of your child’s place from pre-school.  Please speak to Jayne regarding any payment issues so that this can be avoided – many thanks.

Primary School Applications
If your child was born between 1st September 2011 and 31st August 2012 they will be due to start Primary School in the academic year September 2016 – August 2017.  Applications for your child's place at Primary School need to be made through Derbyshire County Council (for those living in Derbyshire) and Nottinghamshire County Council (for those living in Nottinghamshire) by midnight on 15th January 2016.  If anyone has any questions please speak to Jayne.

Term Dates
Please be aware that we follow Derbyshire County Council term dates and as such the dates for our Easter breaks are different to those for Nottinghamshire County Council.

Upcoming Events
Committee Meeting – our next meeting is on Tuesday 12th January at The Risley Park pub at 7.30pm and we will be discussing future fundraisers. Everyone is welcome J
Cake Sale Week (w/c 8th February) – we will be having a cake sale all week (or until we run out of cakes!) so please bring in your donations from Monday 8th February.  Cakes will be on sale at the end of each session – thank you.
Parent Evenings – these will be held in March and more details will be available after half term.

Staff Update
Delia has resigned due to health problems. We would like to thank her for all her hard work and wish her a speedy recovery. We will be having another new face join us in a few weeks as Suzanne Tracey joins as one of our supply cover.

How to Contact Pre-School

Our phone number is 07960 983423 or email us at; and check our website and Facebook page for up-to-date information.