Thursday, 27 October 2016

Upcoming Events

As it's Halloween when we return after the half term break we will be having a bit of Halloween fun on Monday 31st October. All children who attend on the Monday are invited to come to pre-school in fancy dress either scary or not so scary!

On Wednesday 2nd November we have a committee meeting which will be held at pre-school at 7.30pm. This meeting will be to discuss and prepare for our upcoming Christmas Fair so if you would like to lend a hand please pop along and show your support. All welcome.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Christmas Card Update

We have been advised by Art Projects for Schools that the deadline for online orders has now been extended until 23rd October.

Please ensure all artworks are returned to pre-school by Wednesday 19th October.

Please make a note of the unique order code on the back of your child's artwork as you will need this to place the order.

Keep trying their website, they are hoping it will be working by Wednesday....fingers crossed!

Thank you for your patience.

Christmas Card Ordering Update

We have been advised the following from Art Projects for Schools regarding the ordering of Xmas cards.

Please ensure that ALL artwork is returned to pre-school NO LATER than WEDNESDAY 19TH OCTOBER.

Please make a note of the unique code on the back of your child's artwork as you need this code for ordering online. Once the system is back up and working we will let you know. The deadline will be extended once the system is working and we will advise you of this via this page, text & our website.

We will send the artwork to Art Projects for Schools so that it can be reproduced as timely as possible once orders are made. They have assured us that the return of completed orders will not be affected by this online ordering delay.

Once again many thanks for your continued patience.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Christmas Card - Online Ordering

For parents trying to order Christmas Cards via Art Projects for Schools we have been advised that our deadline for ordering has been extended to midnight on 18th October, although we are aware that the site is 'down' yet again.

From an email received late this afternoon it would appear that the problem lies with the company providing the software that runs the online ordering part of their website. Art Projects for Schools are very apologetic and have given us their reassurances that everything possible is being done to get the site up and working again and that all orders once made will be despatched in plenty of time for Christmas.

Apologies for the frustration that this is causing.