Welcome back we hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Important Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 16th January - Committee Meeting, 7.30pm @ Pre-School
w/c 12th February - Cake Sale Week
Tuesday 13th & Thursday 15th February - Parent Evenings
Friday 16th February - End of Term
Monday 26th February - Start of Term
Thursday 22nd March - Easter Fair
Friday 23rd March - End of Term
Session Fees
Invoices for session fees, lunch club and snack have been issued; all invoices are issued for the term up to the 16th February and should be paid by Wednesday 24th January 2018. Late payment of fees will automatically incur a penalty fee and continuous failure to pay fees could result in the removal of your child’s place from pre-school. Please speak to Jayne regarding any payment issues so that this can be avoided – many thanks.
Primary School Applications
If your child was born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014 they will be due to start Primary School in the academic year September 2018 – August 2019. Applications for your child's place at Primary School need to be made through Derbyshire County Council (for those living in Derbyshire) and Nottinghamshire County Council (for those living in Nottinghamshire) by midnight on 15th January 2018. If anyone has any questions please speak to Jayne.
Term Dates & Inset Days
Please be aware that we follow Derbyshire County Council term dates and as such the dates for our Easter breaks are different to those for Nottinghamshire County Council.
Please note that we have cancelled our next Inset Day of Wednesday 31st January and this will be re-scheduled for another Wednesday later in the school year; as soon as we have a date we will let you know.
Parent QuestionnairesThank you to those parents who returned questionnaires before Christmas. Gathering parent feedback is essential to the running of pre-school as such we would request that any remaining questionnaires be returned by FRIDAY 12TH JANUARY so that we can review and respond as soon as possible - thank you.
Upcoming Events
Committee Meeting – Our first meeting of the year will be on Tuesday 16th January at 7.30pm, and held at pre-school. Everyone is welcome to come along and get involved. This is your chance to have a say in how pre-school is run as well as help with the ever important fundraisers.
Cake Sale Week (w/c 12th February) – we will be having a cake sale all week (or until we run out of cakes!) so please bring in your donations from Monday 12th February. Cakes will be on sale at the end of each session – thank you.
Parent Evenings – these will be happening during the last week of this term and a separate note will be coming home very soon.
Christmas Fair Success & Co-op Community Fund
A big, big thank you to everyone who helped make our Christmas Fair a huge success; we raised an amazing £1213! WOW!
We were also privileged to have been chosen by Sandiacre Co-op as one of their local causes as part of their Community Fund campaign which resulted in us receiving a cheque for £2957.81. We were blown away by the amount raised and would like to thank all those co-op members who simply by shopping at the co-op helped contribute towards this amount.
We are currently assessing how best to use this money but suffice to say it will be well spent on resources to ensure that all our children have the best time possible while with us.
Want to know more about what we do at Pre-school?
If you’ve ever wondered what we actually get up to at pre-school then please take a look at our ‘Curriculum Information’ area which is on the blue cupboard doors (adjacent to Jayne’s desk) where we have lots of information for you to look at. This covers everything from which staff are doing specific roles, our session routines as well as detailing the activities and resources that we have out each week and how that relates to any given topic.
We also have details of each days snack offerings displayed on the Parents Information board; just above the children’s drawers. We also have our ‘Team Springfield’ display where you can find out about all of our staff - just look behind Jayne!!
Spring Term Topic
This term our topic will be ‘All About Me’. We will be talking about our bodies, what makes us ‘us’ and working out what our senses are.
For our first week of term we are asking children to bring something in for ‘Show &; Tell’; perhaps a favourite new toy. This gives children chance to develop their communication & language skills as well as their self esteem and confidence; which all helps with the personal, social & emotional development aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
We would also like all children to please bring in a photo of their family; the photo needs to be no bigger than A5 size, it will then be laminated and used for our display. Photos will be returned later in the school year but please note they will have been laminated!
Over this term we hope to be having visits from local police and ambulance services so that the children can learn more about ‘people who help us’. We also have Jon from ASDA, Long Eaton visiting over the next few months to carry out some fantastic activities with the children ranging from various food tasting to growing herbs and tomatoes. ASDA will be providing all the resources for these activities and we are really looking forward to working with Jon and his colleagues.
We will end the first half of this term by celebrating Chinese New Year, which is the Year of the Dog. And when we return after the half term break we will be looking at ‘how’ our bodies work and what’s on our inside!
Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook pages for more topic information as we will try to keep parents as informed as possible. We will also be using our text service to let you know of any significant activities.
How to Contact Pre-School
Our phone number is 07960 983423 or email us at; springfieldpreschool@hotmail.co.uk and check our website www.springfieldpreschool.co.uk and Facebook page for up-to-date information.