Here's our first newsletter of the Summer term;
Important Dates for your DiaryTuesday 24th April - INSET DAY
Friday 25th May - End of Term
Monday 4th June - Start of Term
Tuesday 5th June - Committee AGM, 7.30pm @ pre-school
Friday 29th June - Summer Fair, 4pm - 6pm
Wednesday 4th July - INSET DAY
Monday 16th July - Leavers Concert
Friday 20th July - End of Term
Session Fees
Invoices for session fees, lunch club and snack have been issued; all invoices are issued for the term up to the 25th May and should be paid by Wednesday 25th April 2018. Late payment of fees will automatically incur a penalty fee and continuous failure to pay fees could result in the removal of your child’s place from pre-school. Please speak to Jayne regarding any payment issues so that this can be avoided – many thanks.
Primary School Places
Parents of those children starting reception year this September will soon be receiving confirmation of their child’s primary school. Please let us know as soon as possible which school your child will be attending so that we can start our transition process.
Planning for September!
It may only be April but we will be starting our planning for September anytime soon. Letters will be coming home asking parents which sessions they would like for their child in September and it is imperative that these are returned quickly so we can help everyone to get the sessions they would like.
If you’re child turns 3 between 1st April and 31st August then they will be eligible for a government funded place. More details will be in the letter but parents will need to start thinking about the number of hours they require and whether they will be eligible for the Extended Entitlement funding (often referred to as 30 Hours Free Childcare). Parents are advised to visit to find out what they are entitled to and how to claim it. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is that parents find out this information and action it promptly. Without correct codes, obtained within specified deadlines, parents may find they miss out on their full entitlement. Please read carefully the letter coming home and speak to Jayne should you have any questions.
Changes From September
Last September the introduction of the government’s new ‘30 Hours Free Childcare’ forced Springfield to make some changes to the way in which we offered our sessions and the fees that we charged. Having now completed two full terms under these new guidelines we have evaluated the impact and feel that it is necessary to make some changes which will take effect from September 2018.
Opening Hours - Our opening hours will change to 9.15am to 3.15pm. Parents will be able to choose from either a 9.15am to 12.15pm session, a 12.15pm - 3.15pm session or a full day from 9.15am - 3.15pm. Parents who choose half days will also be able to decide whether their child has their lunch at pre-school. Parents will still need to provide a packed lunch and all children who attend for a full day MUST bring a packed lunch.
Fees - There will no longer be a charge for ‘lunch club’. All fees will now be charged at a standard rate of £4.15 per hour. The contribution towards ‘Essential Supplies’ will be requested as follows; £5.00 (up to 3 sessions per week), £10.00 (up to 6 sessions per week), £15.00 (more than 6 sessions per week).
Easter Fair Success
Many thanks to everyone who helped organise and supported our Easter Fair which raised £430 for pre-school. Events like these are vital to the existence of pre-school, these extra funds help ensure that we can continue to provide exciting and stimulating activities and resources for your children.
All children should bring a backpack/small bag to pre-school with a change of clothes just in case of accidents or getting overly messy! However, can parents please ensure that bags DO NOT contain any food items or any medicines including creams of any kind. We cannot take the risk that a child accidently gets into another child’s bag and is exposed to medicines or foods that they may be allergic to. If your child needs access to medicine/cream then please speak to Jayne so that the necessary paperwork can be completed and the medicine stored safely. This applies to ALL creams and medicines.
Any food or medicine items found in bags will be removed and handed back to parents at the end of the day. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Pre-School Committee AGM - Tuesday 5th June @ 7.30pmAs we move towards the end of one academic year we start our planning for September and part of that forward planning is to ensure that we have an elected committee in place. So on Tuesday 5th June, at pre-school, at 7.30pm we will hold our Annual General Meeting where we will elect the committee.
In order for pre-school to open its doors we need to have a parent committee in place. The committee are there to oversee the operation of pre-school, to assist the management team and most importantly organise and run our fundraisers. We need a minimum of 5 committee members and of these there are three named roles - Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Should you wish to know more about being part of the committee please speak to Jayne who will be only too happy to chat and pass on any relevant information.
Without the support of our parents Springfield would not be what it is today. The role of our committee is vital to ensure the continued growth and development of pre-school and is a role very much appreciated by all of us involved with Springfield.
Springfield Pre-school is a registered charity that aims to offer high quality, and affordable, care and education for all. Fundraising, therefore, is a vital part of pre-school life and helps provide a multitude of resources and activities. The costs involved in running our pre-school are wide and varied; everything from the obvious wages and rent to perhaps the less obvious basics like washing up liquid, toilet roll and then everything else in between!
Despite receiving government funding for children aged 3 and over, plus the modest fees that we charge for other children, we find ourselves struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes when we fundraise we may have a specific item in mind; for example following our recent cake sale we were able to purchase a model human torso to support our ‘All About Me’ topic. But a lot of the time the fundraising is simply there to keep pre-school open and operational.
We try to run a variety of events that parents can then choose from and support at whatever level they can. But we are always on the lookout for new and fun ways to raise money and welcome any and all ideas! So if you think you’d like to get involved in helping us raise this much needed cash please chat to Jayne or come along to our AGM on 5th June, we would truly appreciate your involvement.