Saturday, 16 June 2018

Summer term part two...

Well there's lots happening this term, especially as we get ready to say goodbye to all those moving onto 'big school' and nursery.

Some dates for your diaries;

Friday 29th June - Summer Fair, 4pm - 6pm
Wednesday 4th July - INSET DAY
Monday 16th July - Leavers Concert
Friday 20th July - End of Term

Session Fees
Just a reminder that all fees should be paid in full by Wednesdya 20th June please. Any problems please speak to Jayne as soon as possible.

Changes From September
Please remember that we have some changes happening in September;
Opening Hours - Our opening hours will change to 9.15am to 3.15pm. Mornings will be 9.15am - 12.15pm and afternoons will be 12.15pm - 3.15pm.
Fees - All fees will be charged at a standard rate of £4.15 per hour. The contribution towards ‘Essential Supplies’ will be requested as follows; £5.00 (up to 3 sessions per week), £10.00 (up to 6 sessions per week), £15.00 (more than 6 sessions per week).

Everyone has now been advised of the allocated sessions for September. Places are now starting to fill up so should you require any changes or extra sessions please speak to Jayne as soon as possible.

Help when you shop!
Do you shop online at Amazon?
If you do then please visit and choose Springfield Pre-School as your chosen charity. Then everytime you shop via this link Amazon will donate 0.5% to pre-school at no cost to you!
Tesco(Long Eaton & Chilwell) & Waitrose (Wollaton)
Both these supermarkets have their own community support schemes; when you shop remember to pick up your tokens and then simply vote for us on your way out! The more votes we get the more money we get! The money raised from these schemes will go towards our ‘Let’s Get Active’ project to install some fitness equipment onto our grassed area along with ensuring that we have the best small world and role play resources. We’d also like to be able to install some outdoor musical instruments as well as some willow fencing; so lots of exciting plans if we get the money!!

Please be mindful of the clothes that you send your little ones in to pre-school especially in regards to using the toilet! Items like dungarees or tricky belts can be somewhat difficult to manage when time is of the essence!

Drinks at Pre-School
We have water available for the children at all times during the day but should you wish to bring a drink in for your child then can you please make sure that it is water only. This does not apply to drinks for those children who stay for lunch; but please make sure these are of the non-fizzy variety. Thank you.

Toys at Pre-School
If your child wants to bring a toy with them to pre-school then please make sure it is of a size that will fit in their tray. Small toys can be a great talking point between friends but please remember we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages. Please also remember that those children approaching school age will likely not be allowed to take anything into school and so parents may wish to instill a ‘no toys at school approach’ with them now to get them ready for school.

Transition to School
As part of our transition process we have invited all the schools that our children will be moving onto this September to come and visit us. Some schools will choose to visit or speak to us on the phone but some unfortunately do not. Your child should be invited to visit their new school at some point this term so please remember to let us know as this will help us as we speak with you children about ‘big school’ - thank you.

At the end of April we applied to Erewash Borough Council’s Community Grant Scheme and we have been awarded £1000! This money will be used to get some much needed new flooring for pre-school, but this money alone is not enough. Our focus for this years Summer Fair will be to raise as much money as possible so that we can go ahead with our new flooring plans over the Summer holidays. But we need your help to raise the money; we estimate that we need at least another £1000...perhaps even more! So let’s make this the best Summer Fair EVER! If you can help out in anyway please let Jayne know who will put you in touch with our committee. Do you have any contacts for raffle prizes? Do you know anyone who’d like to have a stall for a donation of £10? Can you promote the event for us? Do you have any ideas for stalls? Please either speak to Jayne or drop us an email your help is really appreciated, thank you.

We now have an Instagram account, so please follow us at ‘springfieldpreschoolsandiacre’.

All those children who are leaving us will take part in a special concert on Monday 16th July; notes have been sent home and keep your eyes open for more information closer to the date. We are also organising some souvenirs in the form of tea towels and t-shirts with the children's own artwork. Once again a separate note has been sent home and orders should be returned to pre-school by Wednesday 20th June.

Phew! We said it was a busy term!