Monday, 25 February 2019

Newsletter - 25th February 2019

Important Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 6th March - Visit by Boogie Beat
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
w/c 11th March - Sponsored Bounce Week
Friday 22nd March - Risley Fashion House Show
w/c 25th March - ‘Parents Evening’ Week
w/c 8th April - Easter Fun Week
Friday 12th April - End of Term
Monday 29th April - Start of Summer Term

Session Fees
Invoices for fees have been issued; all invoices are issued for the term up to the 12th April and should be paid in full by Wednesday 13th March 2019. Late payment of fees will automatically incur a penalty fee and continuous failure to pay fees could result in the removal of your child’s place from pre-school. Please speak to Jayne regarding any payment issues so that this can be avoided – many thanks.

Please note that appropriate amendments to fees due have been made to this terms invoices due to the unexpected closure of preschool between 9th and 11th January.

Session Availability & Claiming Funding
We will soon be sending home information about session availability and claiming funded places from Easter. Parents are reminded to visit to establish what they may be entitled to claim. Any parent wishing to claim the ‘30 Hours Childcare’ must ensure they apply in plenty of time and receive their code before 31st March. Those parents who already have their code must ensure that the code is ‘re-confirmed’ every three months otherwise we will be unable to access the correct funding on your behalf. Any problems or questions please speak to Jayne as soon as possible, thank you.

Cake Sale
Thank you to everyone who baked and bought cakes the last week of term as you helped raise a fantastic £103!

Spring Term Topic
This term our topic will be ‘All About Me’; we will be talking about our bodies and how they work; what we look like and how we can look after ourselves, as well as our families. Many thanks to those who supplied family photos last term; we would still like to display a photo for all our children. So please send in a standard size photo of your family that we can use for our display - thank you.

Boogie Beat
On Wednesday 6th March in the afternoon we will be visited by Emma from Boogie Beat. This is a music and movement activity class that is based around traditional fairy tales and nursery rhymes with a lively and active dance twist! We’re looking forward to meeting Emma and potentially running more of these activities.

World Book Day
We will once again be celebrating World Book Day which this year is being held on Thursday 7th March. All children who attend on that Thursday are invited to come dressed as their favourite story character. All children will receive a World Book Day book token which can be swapped for one of the especially created book day books or for £1 off a book purchase.

Sponsored Bounce Week - w/c 11th March
A separate letter and sponsor form will be coming home explaining all about our Sponsored Bounce Week; this fundraiser will support our continuing outdoor improvements and go towards new items for our sensory garden, paint to refresh and maintain our wooden structures as well as tidying our planted areas.

Risley Fashion House Show - Friday 22nd March
We are once again joining forces with Risley Fashion House to host a charity fashion show here at pre-school on FRIDAY 22ND MARCH. Tickets are now on sale (£3.00) and all proceeds from the event will go straight to pre-school. This is always a fun night, with plenty of bargains, a licensed bar, raffle and a chance to see some familiar faces strut their stuff on the catwalk. Any volunteers who’d like to model please speak to Jayne (the more the merrier!).

Easter Fun Week - w/c 8th April
Keep an eye out for a letter coming home all about our Easter fun week. Lots of fun, games and treats will be had as well as cakes, a raffle and a crafty competition!

‘Parents Evening’ Week - w/c 25th March
A separate note will be coming home about our parents evening week. We will be offering parents the chance to pop in and see their child’s key-person during the hours of 9.30am - 11.00am and 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Prior to this parents will receive a small update via Tapestry regarding their child’s progress at pre-school.

General Reminders......
Name Labels - Please ensure that all of your child’s possessions are clearly labelled with their full name. All bags, including lunch bags, should be labelled on the outside as we have a number of children that have the same style bag and the lack of a name can cause confusion for both child and staff alike! If items are found unlabelled we will write names on with a black marker pen.

Clothing – It is imperative that children are sent to school in appropriate clothing. Children should be sent prepared for the weather with appropriate outdoor clothing as we always try to get outside – whatever the weather! Footwear should enable children to climb and move with confidence; ill-fitting shoes can spoil their fun when pursuing outdoor activities as well as cause unnecessary accidents. Indoor clothes should enable a child to be as independent as possible, especially when using the toilet when time may be short! So please avoid using tricky belts or dungarees that could hinder a child’s attempts to get to the toilet on time. Thank you.

Absence – Any absences from pre-school should be notified in writing in advance if known i.e. holidays, or by 9.15am (morning sessions) or 12.15pm (afternoon sessions) in the case of sickness.

All absences must be confirmed in writing.

Children’s Bags - Your child should bring a small bag with a set of spare clothes; please ensure that the bag is of a size that your child can carry themselves and is clearly labelled.

Uniform – All children are required to wear a red top or jumper whilst at pre-school. Tops with the pre-school logo are available at reasonable prices, please see Jayne should you require any items.

Changes - Please remember to let us know of any changes relevant to your child and their circumstances. We need to know if your contact details have changed, of any allergies or medical conditions and any other circumstances which may affect your child during their time with us.

Policies & Procedures – pre-school operating policies & procedures are available for all parents to read at any time and are located near the children’s drawers. Key policies are also available on our website

Useful Websites has been developed specifically for parents of children aged 0 – 5 and provides lots of useful information and advice. For information relating to funding, child benefit and more please visit

How to Contact Pre-School
Our phone number is 07960 983423 or email us at; and check our website and Facebook page for up-to-date information. You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram.