Sunday, 27 November 2022

What's Happening at Pre-school w/c 28.11.22

Hi Everyone, 


Our focus activity this week is all about Growth and Decay. We will have lots of different objects in our investigation tray, both fresh and old to explore what happens over time to them. Flowers, leaves, fruit and vegetables.

The children will have the opportunity to plant some herb seeds too! Learning how things grow and decay over time. 


Our Autumn topic continues and we still have lots of Autumn themed activities to take part in. 


Jon the Community Champion at Asda is visiting us on Tuesday. He will be helping the children to make playdough so that we can make some spiky hedgehogs. 


Our Christmas concert rehearsals will begin this week, there will be lots of singing and dancing along to our favorite Christmas songs.

Please let us know if your child CANNOT take part as soon as possible. 


Any questions please speak to 'The Ladies' or use Tapestry 🎅


Saturday, 12 November 2022

What's Happening at Pre-school W/C 14.11.22

Hi Everyone,
We start our new topic this week which is 'Autumn Time'. During registration time we will be talking to the children about what happens during Autumn, what the weather is like, and what clothes we may need to wear. We will be singing some of out favourite Autumn songs too!
Our focus activity this week is Scissor Control. The children will get the opportunity to take part in activities that help us practice these skills. We will have the scissor scoops in the sand tray, and lots of activities set out on the creative table. We will be cutting up real leaves to create an autumn tree, and also be having ago at cutting along different shaped lines drawn on leafed shape paper. 
Autumn activities will also include leaf rubbings, leaf printing and we will be doing more environmental rubbings outdoors to see what other nature patterns we can find. Our movement activity this week will be sleepy bunnies with lots of Autumn animals added in so the children can experiment with moving in different ways. 
If you're out and about and see any Autumn objects such as, leaves, sticks, pine cones, conkers etc. Then please bring them into preschool over the next couple of weeks. This will help us to do all the lovely Autumn activities we have planned. 
Thank you
'The Ladies'

Sunday, 6 November 2022

W/C 7.11.22 What's Happening at Pre-School.

Hi Everyone, 


Our topic 'People who help us' continues this week.  We will be talking all about the different Emergency Service occupations. What each one does to help us and what number we need to call if we need help.  The children will get an opportunity to take part in a variety of different creative activities that support our topic. We will be making police cars and painting a giant fire engine. We will be putting out our own fires in the messy play tray by washing orange shaving foam off buildings using water spray bottles. Also, we will be using paint brushes and water pots to wash away chalked flames drawn on the tough spot. The children will have access to dressing up outfits and props to support their role play too!


Our focus activity this week will be all about the children's understanding. Can they follow instructions, do they understand positional language, do they know what different objects are used for and do they understand different types of questions e.g., who? what? where? how?


Any questions please speak to 'The Ladies' or use Tapestry 🙂