Thursday, 1 September 2016

Time for a New School Year

Well it's not long now till we open our doors for a new school year.

Our year starts on Monday 5th September at 9.15am. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to pre-school as well as lots of new faces too!

Please remember that we have new opening hours;

Morning sessions are 9.15am - 12.15pm

Lunch Club sessions are 12.15pm - 12.45pm

Afternoon sessions are 12.45pm - 3.45pm

Our sessions cost £8.50 each for children aged two. Children aged 3 and over who are not claiming government funding or who attend for more than the 15 funded hours per week will pay £10.50 per session.

Lunch club is £2.50 per session, with parents providing a packed lunch.

Snack fees are either £2 or £4 per half term dependent on the number of sessions attended each week.

We are already very busy this year but we do have a few spaces available so please get in touch as soon as possible if you are interested in a place for your child. You can reach our manager, Jayne, on 07960 983423 or email

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