Tuesday, 17 March 2020


We are in ever evolving times and our routines could change with very little notice. We ask all parents to please ensure that we have your correct contact details and to check both this website and our Facebook page for regular updates.

From today we will no longer be allowing parents into the pre-school building during drop-off and collection; this is to reduce the number of people together in close proximity at one time. We will also be applying hand sanitiser to all children upon arrival at pre-school.

If you, your child or a family member have a new dry, persistent cough or a temperature then you should follow the government guidelines and remain at home for 14 days.

Any child who develops any of the above symptoms whilst at pre-school will be sent home immediately and should remain away from pre-school for 14 days.

We would like to thank all our parents for their co-operation and understanding during these unprecedented times. With lots of unknowns ahead these are concerning times, not only for the safety, health and well being of all but also the financial implications and impact that may come our way. Our aim is always to provide the best possible childcare and education for your children in a safe and stimulating environment and we will do everything in our power to ensure this continues whatever comes our way.

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