Sunday, 2 May 2021

What's Happening at Pre-School - w/c 3rd May 2021

Well, we have a short week ahead; Monday is a bank holiday and then Tuesday is an Inset Day and pre-school will therefore be closed for both of these days.

For those children moving onto Reception Year in September we have started to look at letters and the sounds they make. We follow the Jolly Phonics method of teaching the letter sounds by using objects, actions and songs. While it is important that children know the 'names' of the letters it is crucial that they know the sounds that each letter makes as this is an integral part of learning to read.

Here is a link to the Jolly Phonics website if you'd like to know more about this way of learning

We will be working our way through the alphabet and this week we will be looking at E & F while recapping our knowledge from the last couple of weeks.

Focus Activity

We will be continuing to play the game 'Kim's Game'. This game involves memory recall and a child's ability to observe and remember details. Items are placed on a tray which the child looks at, the tray is covered and an item removed. Once uncovered the child has to work out which item has disappeared.

With our older children we will be incorporating numbers and shapes so that we can consolidate our learning from last term. For our younger children we will use simple, familiar objects.

Messy Play

Each session we will be getting messy, this could be anything from shaving foam to cornflour. Messy play not only stimulates the senses but it also helps with fine motor control which in turn will help with our writing skills.

Cooking Activity

Over the course of the Summer term we will be doing various cooking/food activities each week. To ensure that children get the most out of this activity we will be doing small groups once a week. Every child will have the chance to take part in one of these activities over the course of the term. This week we will be making fruit kebabs.

We hope this information is of use but please get in touch if you have any questions.

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