Thursday, 14 October 2021

Newsletter - 14th October 2021


We have lots of information in this newsletter so get your diaries out!

Important Dates
Friday 22nd October - End of Term
Monday 1st November - Start of Term
w/c 1st November - Halloween Fun Week - see separate email
Wednesday 15th December - Christmas Concert @ 3.30pm approx. more details to follow
Tuesday 21st December - Christmas Party - 3.15pm - 4.30pm - invite to follow in November
Tuesday 21st December - Last Day of Term
Thursday 6th January - Start of Term

Important Change of Term Dates
Please note that we have changed the dates for the end of the Autumn term and the start of the Spring term. This will bring us into line with the schools that are local to us. 

Tuesday 21st December - End of Autumn Term

Thursday 6th January - Start of Spring Term

No Dogs Please
Can we please remind parents/carers that we do not allow dogs within the pre-school grounds. All dogs should be kept on a lead and beyond the gate. Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.

Just Giving
Did you know we have a 'Just Giving' page? This was set-up a few months ago to help us raise much needed funds. The last eighteen months or so have had a massive impact on our ability to fundraise as we have not able to host our usual Summer and Christmas Fairs. We would all be extremely grateful for any donations and please feel free to share this link with family and friends.

Christmas Festivities
We are busy planning for all things Christmas! So be sure to make note of the dates for our Christmas Concert - Wednesday 15th December and our Christmas Party on Tuesday 21st December. Both events will be held at the end of the pre-school day but we will send more details after the half term break.

We will also be holding a Christmas Raffle 'virtually' as this worked really well last year and more details about how to buy tickets will be sent home after the half term break. We already have some fantastic prizes lined up but if you, or anyone you know, would like to donate something then please get in touch.

Parents to Pre-School Day 
It was so nice to see so many of our parents at our Open Days back in July and we now have a plan to enable parents to visit pre-school on select days throughout the school year. We currently have the following dates in the diary;

Wednesday 10th November
Thursday 27th January
Friday 25th March
Monday 16th May
Tuesday 28th June

Each day parents will be able to visit between 10am and 11am and 1pm and 2pm and get chance to see what your child gets up to at pre-school as well as chat with your child's key-person. This will be limited to the parents of children who attend pre-school on the specific day and prior to the event parents will receive an invitation by email. So please keep an eye out for your invitation.

Many thanks for reading ðŸ™‚
'The Ladies'

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