We hope everyone has had a lovely October break and we welcome everyone back for a busy half term.
Important Dates
October 31st 2022 - Return to school
Halloween Week - seperate email already sent
November 7th 2022 - INSET DAY - SCHOOL CLOSED
December 13th 2022 - Christmas Concert 3.15 - 4pm (more details to follow)
December 22nd 2022 - Christmas Party 2pm - 3.15pm ish (more details to follow)
December 22nd 2022 - Last day of term
January 9th 2023 - Return to school
January 25th 2023 - INSET DAY SCHOOL CLOSED
February 17th 2023 - School breaks up
February 27th 2023 - Return to school
March 31st 2023 - School breaks up for Easter
April 17th 2023 - Return to school
Asda Green Tokens
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the top prize from the voting at Asda, which is a huge £500. We can't thank everyone enough for going to the trouble of voting. This money will be used wisely. A huge thank you to Jon at Asda for nominating our school in the first place. Many thanks for your continued support.
Bring Parents to School
Thursday 24th November 2022 9.15am - 10.30am
Friday 3rd February 2023 9.15am - 10.30am
Session Availability & Claiming Funding & Invoices - If parents wish to change or amend any of their child's sessions then please get in touch via email and we will try to accommodate your requests.
If your child turns three before 31st December, you will be eligiable to 15 hours of funding. Please let Julie know of your session requirements asap.
In order to claim the childcare funding on your behalf parents are required to complete an FE1 Funding Form. If this applies to you a paper form will be sent home and should be completed and returned as soon as possible.
Parents are reminded that www.childcarechoices.gov.uk is an invaluable site and may help parents with their childcare costs or simply confirm which funding they may be eligible to.
A reminder that invoices are issued monthly via email and should be paid in full by the 3rd of each month. I cannot stress enough how important it is, to our school that the fees are paid promptly. Money that comes in goes out as quickly and we wish not to cause any distress to any party. Failure to pay promptly may result in your child's place at pre-school being withdrawn.
Any problems or questions please speak to Julie as soon as possible, thank you.
Early Drop Off - 8.45am - If you would like to take advantage of being able to drop your child off a little earlier at pre-school at 8.45am then the cost is £3.00 per day. If you are interested, please email us to confirm availability.
Uniform - Anyone requiring uniform please email your requirements to Julie, we do have some in stock ready. Polo shirts are £5.50, sweat shirts are £6.50 (available in ages 2/3, 3/4 & 5/6). Book bags are available at £3.50.
Letting us know.... - It is always really important to let us know what's happening in your child's life; changes to their routine, potty training updates, needing to take medicine while at pre-school, changes to the adults dropping off or collecting, upcoming events/appointments etc. The best way to get that information to us is by email. We do not always have the time or manpower (or memory power) to take in this information at 'dropping-off' time and we do not want to do you a disservice by not giving you the attention that you deserve. So please email ANY information that you wish to let us know
'Suggestions Box' - It is important to us that we take into account the views of all our parents and whilst we do not have a 'physical' suggestion box we would encourage you to drop us an email with any ideas, suggestions or simply anything you think we need to know about.
Tapestry - Our online learning journal, Tapestry, is a fabulous way for parents to be connected with their child's time at pre-school. Not only can you find out about what we get up to while at pre-school but you can also create your own 'observations' to let us know what you have been doing out of pre-school. It is through this two-way communication that we can learn more about your child and make sure that they achieve the best possible outcomes during their time with us. Please take the time to update your child's 'About Me' page.
Absences - Please remember that all planned absences (holidays, appointments) must be notified to pre-school in advance and must be in writing (email is the best way). If your child is ill, please let us know by 9.00am by text or email. We ask that parents read both our 'Absence' and 'Poorly Children' policies. Where we have not been notified about an absence, we will attempt to contact parents to establish the reason to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. Please note that if contact has not been made within three working days, children’s services will be contacted for advice and a possible referral.
Privacy Notice - Our Privacy Notice has been updated and we request that parents should read the following https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v6Z6DlLvSTofrGn5R1GyQWCDU9hTJ0YFeV6Sn2IMofM/edit?usp=sharing
General Reminders......
Name Labels - Please ensure that all of your child’s possessions are clearly labelled with their full name. All bags, including lunch bags, should be labelled on the outside as we have a number of children that have the same style bag and the lack of a name can cause confusion for both child and staff alike! If items are found unlabelled, we will write names on with a black marker pen.
Uniform – All children must wear a red top or jumper whilst at pre-school. Tops with the pre-school logo are available at reasonable prices, please see Julie should you require any items.
Red Book Bags - All children must have a red book bag that should be brought to pre-school each time they attend. (Available for £3.50)
Clothing – It is imperative that children are sent to school in appropriate clothing. Children should be sent prepared for the weather with appropriate outdoor clothing as we always try to get outside – whatever the weather! Footwear should enable children to climb and move with confidence; ill-fitting shoes can spoil their fun when pursuing outdoor activities as well as cause unnecessary accidents. Indoor clothes should enable a child to be as independent as possible, especially when using the toilet when time may be short! So please avoid using tricky belts or dungarees that could hinder a child’s attempts to get to the toilet on time.
Children’s Bags - Your child must bring a small bag/back-pack with at least two sets of spare clothes (including socks!) in case of toileting accidents or messy/wet play; please ensure that the bag is of a size that your child can carry themselves and is clearly labelled on the outside. Please remember baby wipes too, if your child needs them.
Changes - Please remember to let us know of any changes relevant to your child and their circumstances. We need to know if your contact details have changed, of any allergies or medical conditions and any other circumstances which may affect your child during their time with us.
Policies & Procedures – pre-school operating policies & procedures are available on our website www.springfieldpreschool.co.uk
Useful Websites – www.foundationyears.org.uk has been developed specifically for parents of children aged 0 – 5 and provides lots of useful information and advice. For information relating to funding, child benefit and more please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk For information regarding Ofsted and their role within Early Years please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/information-for-parents-about-ofsteds-role-in-regulating-childcare you can also contact them on 0300 123 1231 or email enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
How to Contact Pre-School
Our phone number is 07960 983423 (Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 3.00pm) or email us at springfieldpreschool@hotmail.co.uk
You can also check our website www.springfieldpreschool.co.uk and Facebook page for up-to-date information. You can also find us on Instagram.
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