Friday, 6 September 2019

Newsletter - September 2019

We hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday and are ready for the new school year. We’d like to give a big welcome to all those who are starting with us over the next few weeks; we hope you all have a great time here at Springfield.

Important Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 1st October - Parent Committee AGM, 7pm @ pre-school
Wednesday 9th October - Photo Morning
w/c 21st October - Cake Sale Week
Friday 25th October - End of Term
Monday 4th November - Start of Term
w/c 4th November - Parent Consultation Week
Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair, 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th December - Christmas Concerts
w/c 16th December - Christmas Fun Week
Friday 20th December - Last day of term

Session Fees
Invoices for all fees have been issued; all invoices are issued for the term up to the 25th October and should be paid by the date stipulated. Late payment of fees will automatically incur a penalty fee of £15 and continuous failure to pay fees could result in the removal of your child’s place from pre-school. Please speak to Jayne regarding any payment issues so that this can be avoided – many thanks.

Funded Sessions
All children aged 3 & 4 are eligible for the ‘Universal Entitlement’ of 15 hours government funding per week and some children will be eligible for an additional 15 hours per week under the ‘Extended Entitlement’ scheme. All funding starts the term following the child’s third birthday;

Birthday Date     Term Funding will be Received

1/4 – 31/8            Autumn (September)
1/9 – 31/12          Spring (January)
1/1 – 31/3            Summer (April)

We will shortly be sending home an FE1 Funding Form (for those who have not already completed one) which will need completing and returning as quickly as possible to ensure that we can process your claim for a funded place.

Please remember that in order to access the additional 15 hours per week you will need to have registered with the HMRC and received a ‘30 hours’ code. Once you have this code you must ‘re-confirm’ your status with the HMRC every 3 months. To find out more please speak to Jayne or visit

We are also able to access funding for some 2 year olds dependent upon individual circumstances. Please speak to Jayne to find out more information.

Book Bags & Uniform
All children must have a red pre-school book bag and wear either plain red tops or red polo shirts/sweat shirts with our pre-school logo. Should you require any of these please speak to Jayne.

We would like to ask all parents to complete the ‘About Me’ page of their child’s profile. Please remember that parents can complete ‘Observations’ too...this is a great way for your child’s key-person to know a little more about what you and your child get up to outside of pre-school. This can in turn help us to ensure that we provide the best possible activities and resources that are most appropriate to your child.

Tapestry is also a great communication tool between pre-school and parents; staff can use ‘observations’ to let you know what your child is currently achieving and how you can help us to help them achieve their next steps. Parents can discuss their child’s development or anything else that they feel is relevant to their child’s time at pre-school.

Policies & Procedures
Our policies and procedures can be found on our website these cover everything from safeguarding to absences to dropping off and collecting children to managing illnesses. Should you have any questions or wish to see a paper version of these please speak to Jayne.

Parent Committee AGM - Tuesday 1st October, 7pm
On Tuesday 1st October, at pre-school, at 7.00pm we will be holding our Annual General Meeting where we will be electing our committee for the forthcoming year.

In order for pre-school to open its doors we need to have a parent committee in place. The committee are there to oversee the operation of pre-school, to assist the management team and most importantly organise and run our fundraisers. We need a minimum of 5 committee members and of these there are three named roles - Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Should you wish to know more about being part of the committee please speak to Jayne who will be only too happy to chat and pass on any relevant information.

Without the support of our parents Springfield would not be what it is today. The role of our committee is vital to ensure the continued growth and development of pre-school and is a role very much appreciated by all of us involved with Springfield.

School Photographs – Wednesday 9th October
On Wednesday 9th October we will be visited by Tempest Photography for our annual pre-school photos. They offer a wide range of products from the usual photo packs to canvas wraps, acrylic prints, frames and even digital downloads. Their photographers specialise in visiting early years settings and take a variety of photos so that parents can choose the best for them. Parents will be provided with a small proof photo on the day and an order form. All orders placed will generate a commission of 20% for pre-school so not only do you get some lovely photos that make ideal Christmas presents you are also helping pre-school at the same time.

If your child attends pre-school on a Wednesday they will automatically have their photo taken unless we are advised otherwise.

If your child does not attend pre-school on a Wednesday, or you would like to include a sibling on the photo, please pick a time from the sheet that will be on the main door from 30th September.

Contacting Pre-School
You are able to contact pre-school between 8.30am and 3.30pm, Monday to Friday on 07960 983423. If you need to contact us outside of these hours then please use our email and we will respond as appropriate. Please note that all staff work a variety of hours and may not always be available; please note that Jayne does not work Mondays.

General Reminders......

Name Labels - Please ensure that all of your child’s possessions are clearly labelled with their full name. All bags, including lunch bags, should be labelled on the outside as we have a number of children that have the same style bag and the lack of a name can cause confusion for both child and staff alike! If items are found unlabelled we will write names on with a black marker pen.

UniformAll children must wear a red top or jumper whilst at pre-school. Tops with the pre-school logo are available at reasonable prices, please see Jayne should you require any items.

Red Book Bags - All children must have a red book bag that should be brought to pre-school each time they attend and placed in your child’s tray.

Clothing – It is imperative that children are sent to school in appropriate clothing. Children should be sent prepared for the weather with appropriate outdoor clothing as we always try to get outside – whatever the weather! Footwear should enable children to climb and move with confidence; ill-fitting shoes can spoil their fun when pursuing outdoor activities as well as cause unnecessary accidents. Indoor clothes should enable a child to be as independent as possible, especially when using the toilet when time may be short! So please avoid using tricky belts or dungarees that could hinder a child’s attempts to get to the toilet on time.

Absence – Absence due to holiday should be notified in writing in advance. Absence due to illness should be notified by text by 9.15am (morning sessions) or 12.15pm (afternoon sessions).
All absences must be confirmed in writing.

Children’s Bags - Your child must bring a small bag/back-pack with a set of spare clothes (including socks!) in case of toileting accidents or messy/wet play; please ensure that the bag is of a size that your child can carry themselves and is clearly labelled. Back-packs should be placed below your child’s peg on the coat rack.

Changes - Please remember to let us know of any changes relevant to your child and their circumstances. We need to know if your contact details have changed, of any allergies or medical conditions and any other circumstances which may affect your child during their time with us.

Policies & Procedures – pre-school operating policies & procedures are available for all parents to read at any time and are located near the children’s drawers. Key policies are also available on our website

Useful has been developed specifically for parents of children aged 0 – 5 and provides lots of useful information and advice. For information relating to funding, child benefit and more please visit

How to Contact Pre-SchoolOur phone number is 07960 983423 (8.30am till 3.30pm) or email us at
You can also check our website and Facebook page for up-to-date information. You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram.

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