1. Treasurer’s Report - accounts provided and overview given by Jayne
2.Managers/Trustees Report - written report on previous year provided and overview given by Jayne
3. Election of Committee as follows;
- Co-Chairperson’s - Nikki & Helen
- Treasure - Peter
- Secretary - Jayne
- Elected Members - Alana, Dawn, Emma & Kay
All elected members must undergo a DBS check, sign up to the Update Service as well as register with Ofsted.
Jayne spoke about the importance of the role of committee members and reminded all that they will need to read the pre-school policies & procedures (most of which are available via the pre-school website)
4. Fundraisers
- Photo morning - Weds 9th October
- Christmas card/gift fundraiser w/c 14th Oct
- Cake Sale Week - w/c 21/10
- Christmas Fair - Sat 30th November - 11am - 1pm
- Christmas Concerts - Weds 11th & Thurs 12th Dec - this may change to just one concert depending on age and numbers taking part
- Christmas Party Week - w/c 16th Dec - small charge for parents (pro-rata to the number of sessions attended) - party games, face painting, snack treats and all will receive a ‘party bag from Santa’
- Sponsored bounce - w/c 27th Jan
- Cake Sale week - w/c 10th Feb
- Easter Fun Week & Smarties - w/c 30th March - Jayne to approach Jon at Asda for the donation of Smarties closer to the time
- Cake Sale Week - w/c 18th May
- Summer Fair - Sat 4th July - NEW DATE!! 11am - 1pm
- Leavers Concert (reception year only) - Mon 13th July
The following additional events were discussed;
6. Any other business;
We are running a First Aid Course - 19th Jan & 2nd Feb for some of the staff but we need at least another 3 people to make it viable. Cost is £65 per person. The course is run by SEFA (Sarah Edwards) and held at pre-school between 9am and 3pm. Anyone interested please get in touch with Jayne.
There was also discussion about how we use Tapestry and to explain that observations are created as and when appropriate so this may not happen every week. Parents were also reminded that they can also create their own observations to either let us know what their child has been up to or to communicate with their key-person.
Jayne explained that we are aiming to produce a newsletter that will give parents a little more insight into the topics and activities happening at pre-school which will link into the observations seen on Tapestry.
- Bingo Night - Friday 31st January - Nikki & Helen to organise. To be held at pre-school. Jayne will organise a bar licence
- Table Top Sale - Saturday 28th March - 10am - 12pm - charge per table, provide cakes & refreshments, possible small raffle
- Charity Fashion Show evening - Jayne & Sylvia to look into options
- Cakes
- Refreshments
- Hot Dogs
- Santa’s Grotto - Jayne to approach Stewart who has been Santa for us the last couple of years
- Bottle Tombola - non-uniform week 25th November in lieu of donations for tombolas
- Christmas Chocolate Tombola
- Present Tombola
- Name the Fluffy Animal - Jayne to approach Jon at Asda to see if they could donate a suitably themed item!
- Craft - Helen to source
- Lucky Dip - staff to check supplies
- Tattoos - staff to check supplies
- Reindeer Food - staff to check supplies
- Spot the Snowball
- Hook a Gift Bag
- Find the Golden Ball
- Letters from Santa - Jayne to organise, this will be run seperate to the fair and be sent home to parents mid-November
- Santa Keys - to look into sourcing keys with a tag with a poem - Helen to send Jayne link to item found
6. Any other business;
We are running a First Aid Course - 19th Jan & 2nd Feb for some of the staff but we need at least another 3 people to make it viable. Cost is £65 per person. The course is run by SEFA (Sarah Edwards) and held at pre-school between 9am and 3pm. Anyone interested please get in touch with Jayne.
There was also discussion about how we use Tapestry and to explain that observations are created as and when appropriate so this may not happen every week. Parents were also reminded that they can also create their own observations to either let us know what their child has been up to or to communicate with their key-person.
Jayne explained that we are aiming to produce a newsletter that will give parents a little more insight into the topics and activities happening at pre-school which will link into the observations seen on Tapestry.
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