Tuesday 14 May 2024

What's Happening at Pre-School w/c 13.05.24

 Hi Everyone,

We begin our new topic this week all about different kinds of transport. Our focus will be on the children's Personal, Social and Emotional development. 

We will be playing with all kinds of vehicles in all areas of our playroom, indoors and out. We will have construction vehicles with gravel, drainpipes, wooden blocks and hard hats. We will be playing with the brio train track and we will be using the mega blocks to build our own tunnels. 

In the creative area we will be playing with boats in water with different float and sink objects. We will have shaving foam in the messy play tray with numbered planes to find. We will be making different patterns and tracks on the creative table and making different vehicles out of 2D shapes. 

We will be promoting the children's PSE development with lots of activities that encourage turn taking, sharing and waiting their turn. We will be having discussions about different emotions and we will use our emotion cards to help the children draw their self-portraits.

Outdoors we will be using drainpipes and loose parts to see if we can make ramps for our cars, using chalked numbers to see how far we can make them go! We will have our emergency houses, vehicles and dressing up outside for the children to use in their role-play, as well as resources to explore space travel...which planet will we discover in our space rocket. 

It's 'bring your parent' to school morning on Thursday for all those children that attend a Thursday morning session, 9.15am- 10.15am. A chance for your children to show you what they get up to at pre-school and a chance for you to have a chat with your child's keyworker too. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Please remember to log onto Tapestry, this gives you the opportunity to share all the lovely photos and activities that your child has done at Pre-School, with them at home. Including what their next steps are.

Any questions please ask or use Tapestry.


'The Ladies' 

Friday 3 May 2024

Sponsored Bounce Week!!

Our annual sponsored bounce is taking place next week. All the children are excited to be taking part, so please don't forget to get your sponsor forms filled in!! 

What's Happening at Pre-school 29.04.24

 Hi Everyone,

We start our new topic this week which will be based around one of our favourite stories 'Handa's Surprise'. We will be learning about where we live and where Handa lives. The weather in different countries, how we might travel to different places. We will be tasting different fruit from the story at snack time and children will also get a chance to act the story out too! Our topic will help to support our new focus which will be on gross motor development, healthy eating and exercise. 

In our physical area we will be using a variety of different resources so that the children can practice their gross motor skills. We will have balls, bats, stilts, the trampoline, bean bags, balance beams, seesaws and much more. During our movement time we will be doing aerobics to music. 

For our small world play we will be creating a safari tray with sand, straw and jungle animals. We will have fruit counters, tweezers and basket number cards on the maths table. We will be practicing both our gross motor and fine motor skills in the water tray, using kitchen tongs to catch balls and put them down a drain pipe. In the messy play tray, we will be playing in sand moose, with a variety of different tools. 

On creative we will continue learning all about patterns by making different themed safari animal paper plates. Whose marks belong to who? We will be fruit printing using the fruits from the 'Handa Surprise' story and also having a go at painting and drawing our own pictures of the fruit too!

Please remember to log onto Tapestry, this gives you the opportunity to share all the lovely photos and activities that your child has done at Pre-School, with them at home. Including what their next steps are.

Any questions please ask or use Tapestry.


'The Ladies' 

What's Happening at Pre-School w/c 22.04.24

 Hi Everyone,

Our topic 'Minibeasts' and our focus on fine manipulative development continues this week and we have lots of fun activities planned. 

The children really enjoyed our bug hunt obstacle course last week so we will be doing this again with a few new challenges added in. We will also be practicing our ball skills and aim, throwing balls at a spiders web made using a hoop and masking tape. 
For our movement activity this week we will be using the parachute. We will be learning colours, reciting numbers in order, using gross motor movements to move the parachute in different ways, moving in time to music and following instructions. 

We will be playing with playdough this week. Encouraging the children to use their fine manipulative skills by rolling, prodding, squeezing and using a range of different tools.  We have insect cutters, measuring worms and insect modelling cards to bring in our topic too. 
In the water tray we will be playing in Gelli baff with insects and practicing our scissor skills using the scissor scoops to catch them. 
On the creative table we will continue to make a variety of different insects while exploring with colour, patterns and symmetry. 

The children will continue to have access to our 'minibeast' tuff tray and interest table. Exploring natural materials, using tweezers to catch insects and promote fine motor skills, filling and emptying containers and expanding their knowledge too!

Please remember to log onto Tapestry, this gives you the opportunity to share all the lovely photos and activities that your child has done at Pre-School, with them at home. Including what their next steps are.

Any questions please ask or use Tapestry.


'The Ladies' 🦋

What's Happening at Pre-school w/c15.04.24

 Hi Everyone, 

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to pre-school. We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break. 

We are going to try something a little different this term with our observations on Tapestry. We will now be running our focus over two weeks. We think this will give us more time to provide activities that promote the area of focus so that we can observe the children, assess where they are in their learning, practice new skills and set next steps too! 

General observations will remain the same and will be put into journal weekly. General observations will contain any topic related activities and learning. Any ‘Wow’ moments and any work that goes towards your child meeting their next steps. 

Any questions please ask. 

Our topic to start the term off will be ‘Minibeasts’. We will be learning all about different insects, we will be going on bug hunts indoors and out and exploring patterns too! In the physical area we will be experimenting moving in a variety of different ways, completing an obstacle course to find the hidden insects. During our movement time we will be moving like different insects, crawling like a spider, wiggling like a worm, fluttering like a butterfly plus many more! 

Our focus over the next two weeks will be on fine motor development. The children will get the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities that promote their fine manipulative skills. We will be threading beads, using tweezers to collect insects from our small world tray and we will be using pegs to catch different coloured worms in the sand tray. We will have lots of practice with different mark making tools, we will be using scissors and practicing our pencil control too! 

On creative we will be making a variety of different insects, using a mixture of materials and resources. We will be learning all about patterns and exploring colour too! 

We are going to be very busy bees, 🐝 but we will have lots of fun along the way 😀 

Please remember to log onto Tapestry, this gives you the opportunity to share all the lovely photos and activities that your child has done at Pre-School, with them at home. Including what their next steps are.

Any questions please ask or use Tapestry.


'The Ladies' 🦋

Wednesday 20 March 2024


You’re invited to 

Springfield Pre-School Play Days!

Sandiacre Scout Hut, Stanton Road, Sandiacre

Next to Sandiacre Town Football Club

On the Sandiacre I4 bus route!

Join us for our open play sessions!

Everyone is welcome, no booking required.

(Activities suitable from 0-5yrs but older children also welcome)

           Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Wednesday 10th April 2024

10.00am - 11.30am

£2.00 per child

Free tea,coffee, juice and biscuits.

Extra sweet treats to buy!

Sunday 17 March 2024

What's Happening at Pre-School w/c 18.03.24

 Hi Everyone,

This week our Springtime topic continues and our focus will be on length and height. We will be measuring the length and height of different objects around the playroom using different tools. We will be using tape measures, rulers, counting cubes, measuring worms and we will be using our hands and feet too!
Our water play this week will be a swamp, with frogs, lizards, snakes, rocks, and leaves. The imaginative area will stay the same 'Springfield Garden Centre and Farm Shop' as the children have had lots of fun in this area so far. 
We have been learning all about how plants grow, so this week the children will have the opportunity to decorate a plant pot and plant some cress seeds. 
Our Easter raffle tickets will be on sale all week. Tickets are just £1 each. The raffle will be drawn on Monday 25th March. Please see separate email for more details. 
Please remember to log onto Tapestry, this gives you the opportunity to share all the lovely photos and activities that your child has done at Pre-School, with them at home. Including what their next steps are.
Any questions please ask or use Tapestry.
'The Ladies' 🙂